与台湾延平中学展开丰富的教育及文化交流计划! Immerse yourself in dynamic classrooms, honing language skills, 同时探索岛上丰富的历史和多样的传统. Connect with local communities, 建立跨文化的联系,使这次旅行成为一次独特而难忘的经历.
On this interdisciplinary excursion, Archmere students will explore the geographical, 从人文学科的角度来加强对不列颠群岛社会和文学史的理解. The trip will begin in Dublin, then travel north to Belfast and Derry, and then to Edinburgh castle, 行程的最后一站是伦敦的温莎城堡.
On Archmere's first venture to Iceland, 学生将在四个主要地区旅行:雷克雅未克, Klauster, South Shore, and Fludir. Ideal for outdoor enthusiasts, 这次旅行将带他们去瀑布和熔岩隧道, canyon hikes and hot springs. 还有生态农业,冰岛博物馆,地热面包制作.