大学早期的编程和大一新生的对话, 二年级学生, and junior year will provide students with the opportunity to become better informed and more comfortable with the college process, 减轻压力. 除了, 每年,来自全国各地学校的众多大学招生专业人员都会参加Archmere的编程. 给 students access to admission representatives early and often provides students with greater confidence and comfort in communicating with colleges and provides additional resources for questions, 答案, 心灵的平静.
大学辅导员利用他们的知识和资源从头到尾帮助学生, 同时也在这个过程中担任强有力的倡导者. 重要的是,学生们不要把找大学想象成一场赛跑. 进入,虽然令人兴奋,但只是过程中的一个阶段. 学生们把他们在皇冠博彩教育期间学到的知识和技能应用到他们的未来. 找大学的过程会挑战学生的优先次序, 满足最后期限, self-advocate, 沟通, 反映, 为未来做计划, 做一个精明的消费者, 做成年人的决定. All of these are practical skills that will better equip them for the rigors of college and their futures beyond higher education.